
How to add new and change client dashboard menu?

Some time you want to add new or change default theme menu in client dashboard. Then you can use code bellow to add into child theme functions.php file or your custom plugin functions file. //Dashboard menu remove add_filter(‘iwj_get_dashboard_menus’, function($menus, $show_on_position) { $dashboard_url = iwj_get_page_permalink(‘dashboard’); //Remove menus unset($menus[‘applications’]); unset($menus[‘logout’]); //remove logout menu then add it again […]

How to add the extra field to job post

Sometimes we need to add more fields to the job posting form. This is step by step for how to add more fields to the job posting form via child theme. Step 1: Add new extra field to job posting form on both file wp-content\themes\injob-child\iwj\dashboard\new-job\form.php and wp-content\themes\injob-child\iwj\dashboard\edit-job.php iwj_field_text(‘new_job_field’, __(‘New custom field *’, ‘iwjob’), true, $post_id, […]

How to override iwjob template via child-theme

Sometimes you need to make a custom change template for the iwjob plugin to override the default style, or you want to add some advanced features to the default plugin. You can do that via a child theme. Step 1: create iwj folder in injob-child, it should get path like this: /themes/injob-child/iwj Step 2: copy […]