1. Manage Jobs

1. Manage Jobs

From Dashboard click to Jobs

1.1.1 Create a new job
From Dashboard click to Jobs > Add New

1.2 Manage Job Categories
Jobs => Categories

1.1.3 Manage Job Types
Job => Types

1.4 Manage Job Skills
Jobs => Skill
Admin or candidate can create when updating a resume

1.5 Manage Job Level
Jobs => Level

1.6 Manage Job State

Jobs => States
Admin or employer can create when they post a job

1.7  Manage Job Cities
Jobs => Cities
Admin or employer can create when they post a job

1.8  Setting Fields Job
Click to menu Jobs -> Fields -> Job Fields Tab -> Create groups -> Drag & Drop elements on left sidebar to groups:

Please note that some are taxonomy types: Type, Category, Salary, Level, Size, Skill, City, State
Ex: Create Skill Field for Job:
– Drag and Drop taxonomy element from the left sidebar to the group.
-Click to setting icon in the left -> Show setting popup
– Adjust setting options: Tab General, Tab Input, Tab Output, Tab Filter

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