- New Register:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] New Registration
- Content:
Congratulations! Your account has been registered at {$site_title} Your username : {$user_login} {if $auto_generate_password eq true}Your password has been automatically generated : {$user_password}{else}Your password : {$user_password}{/if} {if $verify_account eq true}Please click <a href="{$activation_url}" target="_blank">here</a> to verify your account{else}You can manage your account <a href="{$dashboard_url}">here</a>{/if} Thank you for choosing Reality! Reality Team.
- Varibles: $user [object IWJ_User], $user_id [integer], $verify_account [boolean], $auto_generate_password [boolean], $user_password [string], $user_login [string], $dashboard_url [string]
- Subject:
- New User Register :
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] New Registration
- Content:
Hi Admin, A new user has registered account on {$site_title} following account infomation: - Display Name: {$display_name} - Email: {$email} - Role: {$role} You can manager <a href="{$edit_url}" target="_blank">here</a>
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $display_name[string], $email[string], $role[string], $edit_url[string]
- Subject:
- Verify Account:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Verify account
- Content:
Dear {$user_name}, You registed account on {$site_title}, Please click <a href="{$activation_url}" target="_blank">here</a> to verify your account
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $activation_url[string]
- Subject:
- Reset Password:
- Subject:
Reset Password Request
- Content:
Dear {$user_login} , You recently requested to reset your password for your {$site_title} account. Click <a class="link" href="{$resetpass_url}">here</a> to reset your password If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email or reply to let us know. Thank you! Reality Team.
- Subject:
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_login [string], $resetpass_url [string]
- Change Password:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Notice of Password Change
- Content:
Hi {$user_name}, This notice confirms that your password was changed on {$site_title}. If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator at {$admin_email} Regards, Reality Team.
- Variables: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $admin_email[string], $new_password[string]
- Subject:
- Change Email:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Notice of Email Change
- Content:
Hi {$user_name}, This notice confirms that your email was changed on {$site_title}. If you did not change your email, please contact the Site Administrator at {$admin_email} Regards, Reality Team.
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $admin_email[string], $user_id[string], $new_email[string]
- Subject:
- Delete Account:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Account successfully deleted
- Content:
Dear {$user_name}, We are so sorry about your cancellation and we want to say thank you for your time with us those days over. We wish you have a good time ahead! Thank you and Best Regards,
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $email[string]
- Subject:
- Review Property [Admin]:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Review new property
- Content:
{if $is_child eq true} Hi Admin {$author_name} has been submited an update of <a href="{$parent_property->permalink()}">{$parent_property->get_title()}</a> you should go to browse it {else} Hi Admin {$author_name} has been submited property <a href="{$property->permalink()}">{$property->get_title()}</a> you should go to browse it {/if} You can review <a href="{$property->admin_link()}">here</a>
- Varibles: $is_child [boolean], $site_title[string], $author_name[string], $author[string], $parent_property[string], $property_title[string]
- Subject:
- Approved Property:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] You property has been approved
- Content:
{if $is_child eq true} Dear {$author_name}, an update of <a href="{$parent_property->permalink()}">{$parent_property->get_title()}</a> has been approved You can view your property <a href="{$parent_property->permalink()}">here</a> {else} Dear {$author_name}, property <a href="{$property->permalink()}">{$property->get_title()}</a> has been approved You can view your property <a href="{$property->permalink()}">here</a> {/if}
- Varibles: $is_child [boolean], $site_title[string], $author_name[string], $author[string], $parent_property[string], $property_title[string]
- Subject:
- Rejected Property:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Rejected property
- Content:
{if $is_child eq true} Dear {$author_name}, the update of <a href="{$parent_property->permalink()}">{$parent_property->get_title()}</a> has been rejected. Please see the reason below: {else} Dear {$author_name}, <a href="{$property->permalink()}">{$property->get_title()}</a> property has been rejected. Please see the reason below: {/if} {$reason}
- Varibles: $is_child [boolean], $site_title[string], $author_name[string], $author[string], $parent_property[string], $property_title[string], $reason[string]
- Subject:
- Review Profile[Admin]:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Review Profile
- Content:
Hi Admin, User {$user_name} has been submited profile you should go to browse it You can review <a href="{$profile_admin_url}" target="_blank">here</a>
- Varibles: $profile_admin_url[string], $user_name[string], $profile_admin_url[string], $profile_author[string]
- Subject:
- Approved Profile:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Approved Profile
- Content:
Dear {$user_name} Your profile has been approved. Now you can click <a href="{$dashboard_url}">here</a> to login and carry out actions Thank you for visiting {$site_title}! Reality team
- Varibles: $
[string], $user_name[string], $dashboard_url[string], $author[string]
- Subject:
- Rejected Profile:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Rejected Profile
- Content:
Dear {$user_name}, Your profile has been rejected please see the following reason: {$reason} Click <a href="{$profile_edit_url}">here</a> to update your profile. Thank you for visiting {$site_title}! Reality team
- Varibles: $
[string], $user_name[string], $dashboard_url[string], $author[string], $reason[string]
- Subject:
- New Order:
- Subject:
[{$site_title}] Thank you for ordering!
- Content:
Hi {$user_name}, You have create an order #{$order_number} on {$site_title} please see following details: {$order_description} Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Total Price : {$order_total_price} Order Status : {$order_status} Payment Method : {$order_payment_method_title} {$payment_method_instructions} Thank you! Reality team
- Varibles: $user_name[string], $order_number[string], $site_title[string], $order_description[string], $order_number[string], $order_date[string], $order_total_price[string], $order_status[string], $order_payment_method_title[string], $payment_method_instructions[string]
- Subject:
- New Order[Admin]:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] New Order
- Content:
Hi Admin, {$user_name} has been made an order #{$order_number} please see following details: {$order_description} Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Total Price : {$order_total_price} Order Status : {$order_status} Payment Method : {$order_payment_method_title} Thank you! Reality team
- Varibles: $order_number[string], $order_date[int], $order_description[string], $order_total_price[string], $order_status[string], $order_pay_url[string], $order_type[string], $order_payment_method_title[string], $order_type_title[string], $user[string], $user_name[string], $payment_method_instructions[string]
- Hold Order:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] Order #{$order_number} is on hold
- Content:
Hi {$user_name}, Your order #{$order_number} has been on hold please see following details: {$order_description} Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Total Price : {$order_total_price} Order Status : {$order_status} Payment Method : {$order_payment_method_title} Thank you! Reality team
- Varibles: $order_number[string], $order_date[int], $order_description[string], $order_total_price[string], $order_status[string], $order_pay_url[string], $order_type[string], $order_payment_method_title[string], $order_type_title[string], $user[string], $user_name[string]
- Completed Order:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] Order #{$order_number} has been completed
- Content:
Dear {$user_name}, Your order #{$order_number} has been completed. Your detailed order: {$order_description} Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Total Price : {$order_total_price} Order Status : {$order_status} Payment Method : {$order_payment_method_title} Thank you! Reality team
- Varibles: $order_number[string], $order_date[int], $order_description[string], $order_total_price[string], $order_status[string], $order_pay_url[string], $order_type[string], $order_payment_method_title[string], $order_type_title[string], $user[string], $user_name[string]
- Email Customer Note:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] Notification for #{$order_number}
- Content:
Hello {$author_name} We would love to say somethings about your order #{$order_number} on {$site_title} <blockquote>{wpautop( wptexturize( $customer_note ) )}</blockquote> For your reference, your order details are shown below: ================================================= Order Number : {$order_number} Created : {$order_date} Order Type : {$order_type_title} {if $order_type == 1 || $order_type == 4} Package: {$order->get_package_title()} {elseif $order_type == 2 || $order_type == 3} For Job: $order->get_job_title() {/if} Total Price : {iwj_system_price($order->get_price(), $order->get_currency())} Order Status : {$order->get_status_title($order->get_status())} Payment Method : {$order->get_payment_method_title()} ================================================= Thank you! Reality team
- Varibles: $order_number[string], $order_date[int], $order_description[string], $order_total_price[string], $order_status[string], $order_pay_url[string], $order_type[string], $order_payment_method_title[string], $order_type_title[string], $user[string], $user_name[string], $customer_note[string]
- Membership expiry notice:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] Membership expiry notice
- Content:
Hi {$user_name}, We would like to inform you that your package {$package_title} is about to expire on {$expiry_date}. {if $can_renew eq true} Please <a href="{$renew_package_url}" target="_blank">click here</a> to renew your package now. {else} Please <a href="{$select_package_url}" target="_blank">click here</a> to select another package. {/if} Regards, Reality Team.
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $package_title[string], $expiry_date[string], $can_renew[boolean], $renew_package_url[string], $select_package_url[string]
- Membership expiry:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] Your package expired
- Content:
Hi {$user_name}, Your package {$package_title} expired on {$expiry_date}. All of your properties will not be lost, it will move to an expired state {if $can_renew eq true} <a href="{$renew_package_url}" target="_blank">click here</a> if you want to renew your package. {else} <a href="{$select_package_url}" target="_blank">click here</a> if you want to select another package. {/if} Regards, Reality Team.
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $package_title[string], $expiry_date[string], $can_renew[boolean], $renew_package_url[string], $select_package_url[string]
- New Review Admin:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] New Review
- Content:
Hi Admin, User {$user_name} has wirtten a revriew Following details: Review Title: {$item_name} Total Rating: {$rating} Review Content: {$review_content} You can review it <a href="{$admin_review_url}" target="_blank">here</a>
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $item_name[string], $rating[string], $review_content[string], $admin_review_url[string]
- Approved Review [receiver]
- Subject: [{$site_title}] New Review
- Content:
Dear {$employer_name}, {$candidate_name} has written a review for your company Following details: Review Title: {$review_title} Total Rating: {$rating} Review Content: {$review_content} You can view it <a href="{$review_url}" target="_blank">here</a>
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $employer_name[string], $candidate_name[string], $review_title[string], $rating[string], $review_content[string]
- Approved Review [sender]:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] Approved Review
- Content:
Dear {$user_name}, Your review has been approved You can view it <a href="{$review_url}" target="_blank">here</a>
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $review_content[string], $review_url[string], $rating[string], $item_name[string]
- Rejected review
- Subject: [{$site_title}] Rejected Review
- Content:
Dear {$candidate_name}, Your Review for {$employer_name} has been rejected. Following reason: {$reason} Thank you!
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $user_name[string], $review_content[string], $review_url[string], $rating[string], $item_name[string], $reason[string]
- Contact Email:
- Subject: [{$site_title}] contact from {$from_email}
- Content:
Dear {$user_name}, You have a contacting please following details. Name: {$contact_name} Email: {$contact_email} phone: {$phone} Message: {$message} This message was sent from {$site_url}
- Varibles: $site_title[string], $from_email[string], $user_name[string], $contact_name[string], $contact_email[string], $phone[string], $message[string], $site_url[string]