3.7 Import - Export

3.7 Import – Export

We support Export and Import data of post types: Jobs, Candidates, Employers
1. Export
To export data, you need to go to Tools -> Export.
Then choose the type you want to export (one or multiple types).
– If you choose 1 type, the system will automatically generate to CSV file of that post type for you.
– If you choose more 1 type (multiple), the system also generates CSV files of types and zip to a folder and you will be downloaded it.

2. Import
Note: In the CSV file, these fields:_thumnail_id, _iwj_gallery, _iwj_cv, you can use the ID of file attachment or file URL (see the image)

You also should make sure those files or post ID are available on your website destination.

To import data, follow steps below:
Step 1:
Go to Dashboard -> Jobs -> Tools -> choose tab Import, then click button at center of screen to upload your file

After the file uploaded, the system will automatically analysis and choose a post type for you.
Here, we provide 2 options in case your data upload is duplicated ID
+ Ignore: ignore record duplicate
+ Update information: Update information this record.

Note: The system will check duplication fields user_login and user_email as well with post types (candiates and employers)

After all, click Continue to go on

Step 2: Mapping Section

The system will automatic map fields of CSV file to WordPress fields necessary of that post type, you can alter if it has any mistake.

We have 3 sections for each field type:
+ WordPress Fields: This is all necessary fields of WordPress core:

'iwj_job' or 'iwj_candidate' or 'iwj_employer' (corresponding to each type),

Additional with types: Employer and Candidate:


+ Term Fields: Terms of taxonomy necessary for post type
– Jobs and Candidate:


– Employer:


+ Extra Fields: The rest of fields is all extra fields. If you add more field in the CSV file, This is understood as metadata of each post.

Note: For type Jobs, some extra fields is necessary:
_iwj_expiry, _iwj_featured, _iwj_featured_date, _iwj_salary_from, _iwj_salary_to to our system working well (show and filter job on frontend).

- _iwj_expiry: Job expiry time metadata
- _iwj_featured: Job Featured metadata
- _iwj_featured_date: Job Featured date metadata
- _iwj_salary_from: Job Salary min metadata
- _iwj_salary_to: Job Salary max metadata

Click Continue to process import and please wait until system display completely (see the image)

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