Show demo setting panel: Check this box to activate the setting panel. This panel should be shown only in demo mode;
Show page heading: Check this box to show or hide page heading;
Hide Visual Composer background image on Mobile: Check to hide the background image.
Include Woocommerce libraries globally: Load Woommerce styles and scripts on all pages
Layout: Select boxed or wide layout;
Sidebar position: Used for all non-configurable pages. Ex: taxonomy
Sidebar name: Select sidebar
Sticky sidebar: Yes – No
Container width: Bootstrap container width in pixel
Gutters width: Bootstrap gutters width in pixel
Elements gutters width: Element gutters width in pixel. will be used in shortcodes
Background Image: Working Only boxed mode. Choose an image or insert an image URL to use for the background;
Background Size: Choose Background size;
Background Repeat: Choose how the background image repeats;
2/ Typography
Body Font Family: Select a font family for body text;
Body Font Settings: Adjust the settings below to load different character sets and types for fonts. More character sets and types equal to slower page load;
Headings Font: Select a font family for heading text;
Headings Font Settings: same body font settings;
Menu Font: Select a font family for Menu text;
Menu Font Settings: same body font settings;
Default font size: insert number
Default font line-height: insert number
3/ Color presets
Primary Color: The primary color used in most of the links, buttons, and other elements;
Second Color: The second color used in most of the links, buttons, and other elements;
Content Background Color: Controls the background color of the main content area;
Body Background Color: Select a background color.
Body Text Color: Controls the text color of body font;
Link Color Controls the color of all text links as well as the ‘>’ in certain areas;
Link Hover Color Controls the color of all text links if mouse hover link;
Blockquote Color: Controls the color of blockquote;
Page title & Breadcrumb color:
Page Title Color: Controls the text color of the page title;
Page Title Background Color: Controls background color of the page title;
Breadcrumbs Text Color: Controls the text color of the breadcrumb font;
Breadcrumbs Link Color: Controls the link color of the breadcrumb font;
Breadcrumbs Link Hover Color: Controls the link hover color of the breadcrumb font;
Header Color (Only Header Default Version):
Top bar Color: Select a color for the top bar text.
Menu Link Color: Select a color for the header link.
Menu Header Sticky Color: Select a color for the menu header sticky hover
Menu Link Hover Color: Select a color for the header link hover.
Sub Menu Link Color: Select a color for the header sub-link.
Sub Menu Link Hover Color: Select a color for the header sub-link hover.
Submenu Background Color: Select a background color for submenu.
SubMenu Border Color: Select a border color for the submenu.
Footer Color (Only Footer Default Version):
Footer Background Color: Select a color for the footer background;
Footer Border Color: Select a color for the footer border;
Footer Headings Color: Controls the text color of the footer heading font;
Footer Text Color: Controls the text color of the footer font;
Footer Link Color: Controls the text color of the footer link font;
Footer Link Hover Color: Controls the link hover color of the footer link.
Copyright Color:
Copyright Background Color: Select a color for the copyright background;
Copyright text Color: Controls the text color of the copyright;
Copyright Link Color: Controls the link color of the copyright;
Copyright Link Hover Color: Controls the link hover color of the copyright;
4/ Header Options
Header Content Options:
Select a Header Layout: Ability to select header type which you prefer. There are 5 different styles for header
Sticky Header: Check to enable a fixed header when scrolling, uncheck to disable.
Logo: Choose an image file for your logo;
Background Image Header: Please choose an image file for your background header.
Background Color Header: Please choose a color for your background header.
Background Color Top Bar Header: Please choose a color for your background header.
Background Image Header Sticky: Please choose an image file for your background header sticky.
Background Color Header Sticky: Please choose a color for your background header sticky.
Show Button Login and User: Show or hidden Button Login and User in Header.
Show Button Add Property: Show or hidden Button Add Property in Header.
Show Button Buy Reality: Show or hidden Button Buy Reality in Header.
Show Button Schedule Visit: Show or hidden Button Schedule Visit in Header.
5/ Page Heading
Page Heading Options:
Page Heading Style: Select page heading style;
Page Heading Padding Top: Insert pixel;
Page Heading Padding Bottom: Insert pixel;
Page Heading Background Image: Please choose an image or insert an image URL to use for the page title background.;